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EXPERIMENTAL ZIAFETTIN | Friday 16th of August - 18:30

With local musicians Andreas Christakkos, Kemal Deveci and Aziz Kahraman, Moysis Markou + residents Emilio Aguilar (AR, NL), Siedl Cao (VN, AT) + George Bizios (CY) *


Our inaugural celebration and collaborative experimental called “Ziafettin”will include a repertoire influenced bymusic traditions from across the globe. Itwill center on the interaction and improvisation of musicians that represent different traditions and generations. The aim is to remind us that music as art and as a form of communication has the special quality of bringing people closer, eliminating all borderswe may have within.



Andreas Christakkos was born in Mousoulita in 1953 and lives in Avgorou. He is renowned for his pithkiavlin (flute) playing and tsiattista, (a form of battle poetry).




Kemal Deveci (zurna) and Aziz Kahraman (davul) come from Galinoporni, a village in Karpasia. They have been playing music together since their teens. They have performed the Cypriot traditional repertoire linked to the zurna-davul ensemble in countless weddings and fairs, as well as in many festivals and other events both in Cyprus and abroad. In 2010, Kemal Deveci and Aziz Kahraman were chosen to represent the Turkish Cypriot community in the festivities that were organized to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Cyprus in Tassos Papadopoulos Stadium in Nicosia.




Moysis Markou is a graduate of Music Studies from Aristotle University (Thessaloniki). In the same department he has undertaken an MA in Ethnomusicology (2013-2015). His research interests lie on folk flute instruments of the wider meditteranean region, site-specific research with recordings of authentic performers, Greek traditional music with emphasis on folk clarinet, tropicality of Cypriot traditional music and the Cypriot “pythkiavlin”, organology of the East and tropical musical traditions. *Please see residents’ respective synopses + bios on Saturday’s concert.

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